Biking is resistance — biking is safety — biking is community connectivity — biking is health — biking is revolution! 2025 is the Year of the Bike!

2025 is a wonderful year to ride your bike! We’ll be hosting fun bike rides monthly and, of course, offering bike tours every day. This year is already shaping up to be one of our busiest years ever for bike tours, and for pure bike fun even without someone telling you where to go. We are here to help you but we also believe that you have the power to enjoy bikes on your own!
That’s because people are seeking more authentic connection in a world where we have become disconnected by broken social media and the assail of AI “people”; because we are seeking fresh air and the feeling of our own muscles and lungs propelling us as the disasters brought by the oil and auto industry become ever more crushing; because no one who is called a “leader” is doing what the people need or want. We want to join together, getting our fun as a community and our health care by taking care of ourselves and each other. We demand our time and space to ride our bikes! Bikes are easy ways to subvert imperialism and to get away from the isolation and danger of car culture.